Monthly Archives: April 2022

Russia and the Myth of NATO Provocations

Peter Zeihan, geopolitics analyst and author, on the myth that Nato provoked Russia and therefore is to blame for the Ukraine invasion: Zheian has been focussing on the tensions within Russia and around its borders. This piece written in December 2021, 2 months before the invasion provides interesting insights into Russia’s possible motives. I’ve seen… Read More »

The Cold War Never Ended – Ukraine, the China Challenge, and the Revival of the West – by Stephen Kotkin

A great essay by Stephen Kotkin appears in the May/June issue of Foreign Affairs. It is an essential read to understand the current geopolitical situation. Excerpts: Does anyone have a right to be surprised? A gangster regime in the Kremlin has declared that its security is threatened by a much smaller neighbor – which,… Read More »

Reality distorsion in Russian media – Ukrainians under Stockholm syndrome for their government?

The level of reality distorsion by Russian official media is amazing. This article at RIA Novosti claims that Ukrainians suffer from the Stockholm syndrome at the hands of its government that has been keeping them hostage for years.(Probably since 2014 when they deposed a russian puppet president, and subsequently held free elections the last one… Read More »

Sergey Karaganov, top Russian thinker shows Russia’s terrifying hand on Ukraine – Bruno Maçães interview

An extraordinary interview by Bruno Maçães (@MacaesBruno) on The New Statesman to a top Russian political scientist with great influence on the Kremlin’s foreign policy. Here Sergey Karaganov shows Russia’s hand in this conflict and it is a threatening one. Some key points: Ukraine’s invasion was inevitable under Putin’s vision. “Maybe three or four years… Read More »

Horror as Russian forces retreat from Bucha

Horror. As Russian troops face fierce resistance from Ukrainian forces they are carrying out atrocities against civilians. Ukranians retook the village of Bucha, near Kyiv. What was found after Russian soldiers retreated was horrifying. As journalist Stanislav Aseyev (Free Media Awards 2020; National Freedom of Expression Award 2020; Shevchenko National Prize 2021) reports: “Dead people… Read More »