Category Archives: Covid-19

Covid-19 will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product” regardless of the governments’ strategy.

Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, lays out with typically Swedish bluntness why he thinks: – UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based- The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only– This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product”– The initial… Read More »

Lockdown: Endgame?

Chegámos a um momento em que conhecemos o suficiente da epidemia e da virus-histeria para equacionarmos as opções políticas sobre o que fazer a seguir. Opção 1: Relaxar as medidas de confinamento (protegendo selectivamente os grupos de risco até atingir a imunidade da população). Mesmo correndo o risco de antecipar casos críticos e mesmo mortes… Read More »

From NYC ICU: Do this many covid-19 patients need ventilators?

Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell MD from Maimonides, Brooklyn, New York, ER and ICU À atenção dos especialistas em tratamento de doenças respiratórias e de UCIs. Fico alarmado com as notícias que começaram a surgir nos últimos dias, que poem em causa os tratamentos que estão a ser comumente adoptados para os doentes de covid-19 que contraem… Read More »

Help scientists fight Covid-19 and other diseases by teaming with Folding@home

Help scientists fight Covid-19 (and/or other diseases such as Cancer and Alzheimer’s) by lending some of your computer power. I JOINED. More than 9 miilion CPU Cores have joined.You can help too. Just download the software to your PC or Mac. The Folding@home software allows you to share your unused computer power with us –… Read More »

Querem mutualização com a Europa, mas não com as vítimas do confinamento.

É curioso ver como muitos querem a mutualização dos custos (que é o outro lado da dívida) a nível europeu. Mas esses mesmos, não querem mutualizar os seus rendimentos (no fundo, que paga os custos) com os novos desempregados, vítimas do confinamento – os trabalhadores das PMEs, pequenos e microempresários e etc. Nem se oferecem… Read More »

A top scientist, Prof. Knut Wittkowski, speaks against the lockdown – the worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus.

Another highly qualified scientist voices dissent against the pandemic histeria and lockdown. “As with all respiratory diseases the only thing that stops it is herd immunity.”“I’m not paid by the government, so I’m entitled to actually do science.” Professor Knut Wittkowski has headed The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology for 20 years. Before that… Read More »