Category Archives: Lockdown

Should covid be left to spread among the young and healthy? Two petitions by scientists clash on the matter.

Devemos deixar a covid propagar-se pelas populações jovens e saudáveis?Duas petições de cientistas confrontam-se. A Economist fez uma interessante comparação entre duas petições de cientistas, uma defendendo o fim dos lockdowns (Great Barrington Declaration) e outra contestando a primeira (John Snow Memorandum). Não tenho escondido a minha preferência por um dos lados do debate (o… Read More »

Covid experts: there is another way – “Focused Protection”

Three eminent epidemiologists – Dr Sunetra Gupta (Oxford), Dr Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford) and Dr. Martin Kulldorff (Harvard) – met in Massachusetts on October 4th to plan a better response to the pandemic.They call it “Focused Protection” as opposed to the current general lockdown. Key points: “Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and… Read More »

Casa da Música – regresso aos concertos

Casa da Música. Primeiro concerto a que assisto desde que começou o distanciamento anti-social covidesco. Os músicos sofreram muito com a crise covid, é preciso voltar aos espectáculos. Sala cheia, dentro de uma lotação reduzida a metade. Sabe bem vislumbrar o regresso à normalidade.…/02-a-sagracao-da…/59881/

Novos testes covid sugerem alteração profunda na estratégia de gestão da pandemia

Neste momento, já sabemos o suficiente sobre o sars-cov2 para não ser aceitável que nos deixemos guiar pelo medo. A estratégia de defesa face à pandemia sars-cov2 mereceria uma reflexão profunda por quem de direito. Algumas notas, suscitadas pelo acompanhamento dos últimos desenvolvimentos que tenho visto sobre o tema, do ponto de vista científico. Estamos… Read More »

Corona reappraisal: why everyone was wrong

By Dr. Beda M. Stadler, emeritus professor of immunology and former director of the Institute of Immunology at the University of Bern. The corona virus gradually disappears. What has actually happened in the past few weeks? The experts have overlooked fundamental connections. The immune response to the virus is much stronger than you thought. Interview… Read More »

Dr. Scott Atlas: Lockdown’s cost much higher than the benefits

Scott Atlas Professor of Medicine at Stanford and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, specializing in Health Care, interviewed for Uncommon Knowledge. For several weeks, Dr. Atlas has been making the case in print and in other media that we as a society have overreacted in imposing draconian restrictions on movement, gatherings, schools, sports,… Read More »

School shutdowns exacerbate achievement gaps. Inequality will grow.

School shutdowns caused by COVID-19 could exacerbate existing achievement gaps this study from McKinsey shows.Inequality will grow inevitably. [Também em Portugal, os estudantes de famílias mais desfavorecidas serão muito mais afectados que os outros. A desigualdade vai aumentar, com efeitos a longo prazo.] “… persistent achievement disparities across income levels and between white students and… Read More »

Bjorn Lomborg: the ‘economic cost’ of lockdowns in developing nations ‘outweighs’ health benefit.

The ‘economic cost’ of lockdowns in developing nations ‘outweighs’ health benefit.Great interview by Bjorn Lomborg to The “significant cost” of the hard-line closure of world economies may do more overall damage than good. “We have good studies from the US that actually indicate a moderate sustained reduction in social interaction probably makes sense in… Read More »