Category Archives: Politics

Chris Christie saying what needs to be said about Trump

.Christie knows Trump for 20 years, and he worked closely with him leading the transition team from the Obama administration. The then travails with the Trump family during the transition are well described in the book The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis. Quote: “Christie viewed Jared as one of those people who thinks that, because… Read More »

There are no solutions, just tradeoffs

There are no solutions, just tradeoffs.A great insight from Thomas Sowell here developed brilliantly by Konstantin Kisin in conversation with John Anderson. It is important to repeat this again and again in an age of magical thinking and populism that tend to attract people by offering “easy” solutions for problems that are too complex.There are… Read More »

Carlos Costa vs António Costa

Entrevista reveladora do ex governador do Banco de Portugal.Para além da pressão do PM a propósito de Isabel dos Santos, que foi amplamente comentado, o que mais me chocou foi a confirmação da jogada da “saída limpa”, colocando em causa o Banif.O governo Costa prejudicou o País e a venda dum banco para ganho político,… Read More »

Stephen Kotkin on Xi’s China, Putin’s Russia at GoodFellows

Stephen Kotkin on Xi’s China, Putin’s Russia at Goodfellows by the Hoover Institution Can China’s current authoritarian model hold without destroying its economy, and what’s the near-term outlook for the war in Ukraine? Stephen Kotkin, an authority on geopolitics and authoritarian regimes joins Hoover senior fellows Niall Ferguson, H. R. McMaster, and John Cochrane to… Read More »

“Em Defesa do Capitalismo”, de Rainer Zitelmann

Tive a honra de ser convidado pelo Instituto +Liberdade para apresentar o livro “Em Defesa do Capitalismo”, de Rainer Zitelmann no Palácio da Bolsa, no Porto, em 2022-11-02. Recomendo vivamente o livro, pois apresenta uma brilhante defesa da economia de mercado contra os mitos do “anticapitalismo” que predominam na nossa opinião pública e publicada. Deixo… Read More »