Chris Christie saying what needs to be said about Trump

By | June 29, 2023

.Christie knows Trump for 20 years, and he worked closely with him leading the transition team from the Obama administration. The then travails with the Trump family during the transition are well described in the book The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis. Quote:

“Christie viewed Jared as one of those people who thinks that, because he’s rich, he must also be smart. Still, he had a certain cunning about him. And Christie soon found himself reporting everything he did to prepare for a Trump administration to an “executive committee.” The committee consisted of Jared, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Paul Manafort, Steve Mnuchin, and Jeff Sessions. “I’m kind of like the church elder who double-counts the collection plate every Sunday for the pastor,” said Sessions, who appeared uncomfortable with the entire situation. The elder’s job became more complicated in July 2016, when Trump was formally named the Republican nominee…”

Christie knows the campaign funding and how Trump is cheap and uses the money collected from mid class earners to pay his billionaire’s legal fees. (Maybe his loyal followers wouldn’t mind, but that his no decent excuse).

It is a pity that other GOP candidates are afraid to come forward for fear of alienating Trump supporters.

The Republicans became hostage to this arrogant megalomaniac narcisist that divides the country inexorably. It looks like he has secured 30 – 40 % of votes from loyal followers, despite his recent and ensuing legal issues. But his arrogant defense against the justice system is alienating all the rest.

Truth be told he may have been treated somehow harsher by the prosecutors than Hillary and Biden, but that is no excuse for his erratic behavior and lies.

If the Republicans don’t get past Trump and chose a decent candidate, they will loose against whoever the Democrats choose – be it Biden or other.

I haven’t been an admirer of Christie in the past. But he seems the one adult in the room who says the truth about the GOP ransom. It makes one miss what a normal moderate POTUS should sound like.

The other GOP candidates should do the same, especially DeSantis, the runner up, and Ramaswamy (possibly my favourite, because of his past, but only if he wakes up…).