Daniel Kahneman on Cutting Through the Noise

By | October 9, 2019

Daniel Kahneman. An exceptional interview from this great scientist in psychology. By Tyler Cowan for the Mercatus Center.

Kahneman gave us the Slow and Fast decision systems framework. Now he is studying Bias and Noise in decision making and trying to clarify the difference between them with the same rigour.

Here he talks about bias, noise and more, including happiness, memory, the replication crisis in psychology, advice about improving decision-making, superforecasters, the influence of Freud, working in a second language, the value of intuition, and why he can’t help you win arguments with a spouse.

His advice on using intuition in a delayed manner — ‘delayed intuition’ — is very insighful. This is useful for everyone who makes decisions — all of us really.

Daniel Kahneman on Cutting Through the Noise