Don Giovanni at Wiener Staatsopera.
Excellent cast, great singers. Mixed feelings about the production.
The stage is minimalist, with what seems dark solidified lava…
Interesting and funny, musicians on stage in some party scenes, once playing the “farfallone amoroso” tune from The Marriage of Figaro.
During the play, all the weapons are replaced by stones. Early in the play it is with a stone that Don Giovanni kills the Commendatore.
Leporello seems a clownish punk creature, most of the time with a hoodie – this seemed to muffled him in the first area “notte e giorno fatticar…” which is a pity because Philippe Sly is a great singer.
At times the orchestra’s sound volume overwhelmed the singers, especially if they weren’t at the front of the stage. Don Giovanni’s ballad “viene a la finestra” is a great performance, but is sang by Don alone on the stage as there is no finestra/ window to sing to.
The “O statua gentilissima del gran Commendatore…” is puzzling. The statue was replaced by a small stone which Don and Leporello play with! On a pond filled with water where they splash.
Later when the Commendatore shows up to dinner there us no knocking on the door because there no door. Don seems to die of a heart attack, not by being taken to the depths by the statue.
CAST 03.06.2022
Musical Direction: Philippe Jordan
Production: Barrie Kosky
Bühne & Kostüme: Katrin Lea Tag
Lighting Design: Franck Evin
Don Giovanni: Kyle Ketelsen
Komtur: Ain Anger
Donna Anna: Hanna-Elisabeth Müller
Don Ottavio: Stanislas de Barbeyrac
Donna Elvira: Kate Lindsey
Leporello: Philippe Sly
Zerlina: Patricia Nolz
Masetto: Martin Häßler