Global Warming Skepticism for Busy People – by Roy Spencer

A great book from a concerned scientist (Roy Spencer, one of the most prominent climate scientists) on a critical subject in today’s world. Just published. Quote: “There are five main questions which must be answered in the affirmative before energy policy changes to fight global warming should even be considered: 1) Is warming and associated… Read More »

História do Liberalismo Brasileiro, de António Paim. Um livro importante para os liberais brasileiros e portugueses.

História do Liberalismo Brasileiro, de António Paim. Um livro importante para os liberais brasileiros e portugueses. História do Liberalismo Brasileiro, de António Paim. Um livro importante para reflectir, também, sobre o liberalismo em Portugal. Nos finais do sec XVIII, início do XIX, o liberalismo brasileiro e o português tiveram a mesma origem. Depois, durante o… Read More »

Book Review – Peak Trump: The Undrainable Swamp and the Fantasy of MAGA

Book Review — Peak Trump: The Undrainable Swamp and the Fantasy of MAGA By David Stockman. David Stockman was Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan and became known as the “Father of Reaganomics.” A timely and excellent book highly critical of Trump’s Presidency from an independent and knowledgeable mind.… Read More »

Comment on Martin Wolf column in the FT “Why further financial crises are inevitable”

As time passes, regulation degrades and risks rise MARTIN WOLF This is my comment: Regulation has been growing constantly in a cumulative way with the resulting bureaucracy and huge economic costs. Lack of regulation was never the main cause of past financial crisis and depressions. Yet, many keep insisting on more regulation after each new… Read More »