Tag Archives: Geopolitics

Russia and the Myth of NATO Provocations

Peter Zeihan, geopolitics analyst and author, on the myth that Nato provoked Russia and therefore is to blame for the Ukraine invasion: Zheian has been focussing on the tensions within Russia and around its borders. This piece written in December 2021, 2 months before the invasion provides interesting insights into Russia’s possible motives.https://mailchi.mp/zeihan/a-ukraine-war-and-the-end-of-russia I’ve seen… Read More »

The Cold War Never Ended – Ukraine, the China Challenge, and the Revival of the West – by Stephen Kotkin

A great essay by Stephen Kotkin appears in the May/June issue of Foreign Affairs. It is an essential read to understand the current geopolitical situation. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/reviews/review-essay/2022-04-06/cold-war-never-ended-russia-ukraine-war Excerpts: Does anyone have a right to be surprised? A gangster regime in the Kremlin has declared that its security is threatened by a much smaller neighbor – which,… Read More »