Tag Archives: Ukraine

Stephen Kotkin on Xi’s China, Putin’s Russia at GoodFellows

Stephen Kotkin on Xi’s China, Putin’s Russia at Goodfellows by the Hoover Institution Can China’s current authoritarian model hold without destroying its economy, and what’s the near-term outlook for the war in Ukraine? Stephen Kotkin, an authority on geopolitics and authoritarian regimes joins Hoover senior fellows Niall Ferguson, H. R. McMaster, and John Cochrane to… Read More »

Ukraine War – are realists right? A Munk Debate

Excellent debate on the Ukraine war between realism and freedom. The question posed to the audience was badly formulated – “ending the war starts with acknowledging Russia’s security interests”.In essence both sides accept the proposition.Everybody agrees that we must strive to end the war as soon as possible.The discusion then is about what are these… Read More »

Russians in Germany clash over the war in Ukraine

On May 9, Russians’ demonstration in Berlin showed huge divisions. Many Russians have been brainwashed by Kremlin’s propaganda. Some showed clear support to Putin and to his narrative of the “special operation” to erradicate nazism from Ukraine. Others opposed the war and some even supported Ukraine. German authorities had to show neutrality and prevent political… Read More »

Russia and the Myth of NATO Provocations

Peter Zeihan, geopolitics analyst and author, on the myth that Nato provoked Russia and therefore is to blame for the Ukraine invasion: Zheian has been focussing on the tensions within Russia and around its borders. This piece written in December 2021, 2 months before the invasion provides interesting insights into Russia’s possible motives.https://mailchi.mp/zeihan/a-ukraine-war-and-the-end-of-russia I’ve seen… Read More »

Reality distorsion in Russian media – Ukrainians under Stockholm syndrome for their government?

The level of reality distorsion by Russian official media is amazing. This article at RIA Novosti claims that Ukrainians suffer from the Stockholm syndrome at the hands of its government that has been keeping them hostage for years.(Probably since 2014 when they deposed a russian puppet president, and subsequently held free elections the last one… Read More »

Horror as Russian forces retreat from Bucha

Horror. As Russian troops face fierce resistance from Ukrainian forces they are carrying out atrocities against civilians. Ukranians retook the village of Bucha, near Kyiv. What was found after Russian soldiers retreated was horrifying. As journalist Stanislav Aseyev (Free Media Awards 2020; National Freedom of Expression Award 2020; Shevchenko National Prize 2021) reports: “Dead people… Read More »

Porque está a Rússia a perder a guerra no terreno de batalha?

Dois interessantes artigos para ajudar a compreender o falhanço do exército russo na Ucrânia.O Gen. Omar Bradley dizia, referindo-se a oficiais militares (cito a slate.com):“Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics.” Ora, parece ser pela logística que o exército russo está a falhar a invasão da Ucrânia. Especialmente no Norte, uma vez que no Sul, tem… Read More »

Testemunho duma jornalista bósnia que sobreviveu ao cerco de Sarajevo

Testemunho duma jornalista bósnia que sobreviveu ao cerco de Sarajevo. “You never think it will happen to you”.O paralelo que traça com a invasão da Ucrânia é impressionante.O cerco de Sarajevo durou 46 meses. Morreram 14,000 pessoas, dos quais 5,500 civis. As atrocidades cometidas levaram muitos responsáveis sérbios ao tribunal de Haia, que os condenou… Read More »